Musings of a Christian Geek about the Word, Geek Culture, Science, Music, Movies, and anything that is deemed noteworthy.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Musings About Global Warming

I feel like I might be beating a dead horse because Global Warming or Global Climate Change seems to be on the outs in terms of credibility and acceptability in the public sphere. However, gullible environmentalists and people who need grants still try to inundate us with the latest catastrophe forecast for the next 100 years. The problem is those in climate science can’t even accurately tell me what’s going to happen a week from now. Just the other day, while I was getting my car fixed, I had a discussion with a man about why it has been so hot lately. He brought up global warming as a possible culprit. We had a little discussion about the hypocrisy of the global warming community (which I will get to in a little bit) and the earth’s changing climate throughout history. We came to the conclusion that it is probably part of the ever changing climate of the planet more than anything man has ever done.

Truth be told, I have never been a believer in global warming due to the fact God created this Earth and mankind could never do anything to destroy it even if he wanted to. Plus, think of the materials we have placed in the atmosphere with little to no effect on the climate. Think of all the nuclear bombs we have detonated which is well over 2000, to be exact. How much negative impact have these nuclear bombs had on the climate? I have failed to find much data, but the research I have done has shown these 2000 nuclear explosions have had a negligible effect on the planet’s climate. If the most powerful force man has ever manufactured can do little long term damage to the earth and its climate after so many detonations, then how can we believe that we could do anything that could destroy what God has created?

I like to think of the Earth as a large organism, which is supported in mainstream scientific thought. I just saw a show at the local planetarium called The Dynamic Earth echoing this same sentiment. The Earth is always compensating in one area for deficiencies in another area. An example of this would be global ice shifts. If the ice is thin at the Arctic, ice is increased in Antarctica and vice versa. Even tornadoes and hurricanes are compensatory mechanisms working in conjunction with pressure systems, heat, and water. This works much like the endocrine system in the human body where different hormones are released to maintain a certain homeostasis (normalization) in the body. Just as body system stasis fluctuates in the body to maintain normal body functions, the Earth’s systems are also fluctuating to maintain global homeostasis.

This should cause us to think for a second because the Earth’s climate has rarely stayed static throughout recorded human history. Just in the short time man has kept written records of himself, climate has always seemed to change. Humans have experienced warm periods, little ice ages, droughts, wet periods, and any other climate type one can imagine. What makes us think that this period of time is any different than any other time in history?

Now that scandals like Climategate have shown us climate scientists’ willingness to fudge data and outright lie for the cause, we also must bring into question other actions of global warming proponents. If climate scientists are so convinced of the coming apocalypse, then why are billions of people still living on the coasts of the oceans without so much as a concerted effort to start moving people inland? Why did Al Gore, who is worried about sea level elevation, buy an oceanfront villa? Why does the famous “hockey stick graph” not account for the Medieval Warm Period or Little Ice Age? If so concerned about efficient power sources with little greenhouse emissions, why don’t environmentalists flock to nuclear power? These are all questions one has to ask because once we answer them, the truth comes out. Global Warming proponents are mostly hypocrites who are more interested in money and power than concerned for the planet’s health.

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